
from coast to coast

Quantitative Growth In Leadership Skills 

Each participant measured his/her personal growth during the program in the following areas.  As part of developing a longer-term personal growth plan, participants rated their skill or ability on a scale of 1-10 (10 = highest) for the beginning and end of the program.  The numbers shown are for the group of 17 participants – the average of the ratings before and after the program and the average number of points increase as assessed by each participant (i.e. an increase from 4 to 6 would be reported as 2, a 50% improvement).  See the individual personal growth assessments for individual quantitative and qualitative improvements.

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Unbelievable. This program has changed my life and at age 32 it is a Godsend to forming my personal leadership vision and empowering others.
— Pastor James

I wish that every pastor in the world could not only take this course, but be in a small group with a band of brothers to pray and apply it into his own walk with God, his family, and ministry.”
— Pastor Harry
This has increased my interpersonal skills exponentially. There is still a lot I have to go through again.
— Pastor Nancy

It is a unique program for pastors. I am not aware of any other program like it
— Pastor Yoon

I am still a bit overwhelmed with the amount of information. It was great to learn how leaders can be more effective in dealing with remarkably different people.
— Pastor Natán